16.European Federation of Endocrine Societies欧洲内分泌学会联盟
欧洲联盟,European Union
1)European Union欧洲联盟
1.The System of Environmental Standards in European Union and Its Analysis;欧洲联盟环境标准体系及其分析
2.Changes of Facing European Union On the 21st Century[KH*2/3];欧洲联盟步入新世纪时所面临的问题
3.Directive Harmonisation Mechanism in European Union Law;欧洲联盟法中的指令协调机制
1.European Union [EU] [developed from the European Community]欧洲联盟〔欧盟〕〔前身为欧洲共同体〕
2.European Union Co-Chairman欧洲联盟方面联合主席
3.Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union欧洲联盟基本权利宪章
4.European Union Commissioner for Foreign Affairs欧洲联盟外交事务专员
5.European Union Meeting on Women欧洲联盟妇女问题会议
6.European Union Monitoring Mission欧洲联盟监测团(欧盟监测团)
7.Commission of the European Union欧洲联盟委员会(欧盟委员会)
8.Economic and Monetary Union [EMU] [European Union]经济及货币联盟〔欧洲联盟〕
9.European Union/Southern Africa Ministerial Conference欧洲联盟/南部非洲部长会议
10.European Commission Humanitarian Office欧洲联盟委员会人道主义事务处(欧盟人道处)
11.Liaison Group of the Anti-apartheid Movements in the European Union欧洲联盟反对种族隔离运动联络组
12.European Federation of Finance House Association财政部门联合会欧洲联盟
13.European Union of Federalists欧洲联邦主义者联盟
14.Union of European Dental Surgeons欧洲牙外科医生联盟
15.European League Against Rheumatism欧洲防治风湿病联盟
16.European Federation of Endocrine Societies欧洲内分泌学会联盟
17.European Evangelical Alliance欧洲福音派新教会联盟
18.European Christian Democratic Union欧洲基督教民主联盟
the European Union欧洲联盟
1.The Effect of the European Union on the Political Integration;论欧洲联盟对全球政治一体化的影响
2.Joining the European Union is the long-term and major external strategy of Turkey , while admiting Turkey joining the Union also fits the long strategy interest of the European Union.作为一个横跨欧亚大陆的伊斯兰教国家,土耳其多年来一直积极申请加入欧洲联盟,但却屡屡碰壁。
3.Besides the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union (EU) became an ideal target of Poland s integration strategy.除了美国为首的北大西洋公约组织外,欧洲联盟成为波兰“重回西欧”战略的理想目标。
3)EU[英][,i: 'ju:][美]['i 'ju]欧洲联盟
1.Breakthrough Wall of Westphalia System:On Change of Modern International Relation From Perspective of EU;冲破威斯特伐利亚围墙?——从欧洲联盟看现代国际关系的变化
2.The EU is Europe nation and people near half over several centuries to people of this world demonstration of a new of unprecedented undertaking.欧洲联盟是欧洲国家和人民近半个多世纪以来向世人展示的一个新的创举。
4)European Union (EU)欧洲联盟(欧盟)
5)European Union [EU]欧洲联盟〔欧盟〕
6)European Union Law欧洲联盟法
1.Tuning European Union Law to National Sovereignty;欧洲联盟法和国家主权关系的调整
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