Dr. Dirk Wendt | General Manager

admin 阅读:113 2024-01-19 04:24:20 评论:0

  We are proud to be part of the USI family and to be able to rely on a global network. Our focus is on strength­en­ing rela­tion­ships with our cus­tom­ers and further devel­op­ing our product port­fo­lio. This is how we over­come current chal­lenges togeth­er and tap into new poten­tial. We rely on con­tinu­ity: our current man­age­ment will remain in place and look forward to an excit­ing, suc­cess­ful future with you!

  Dr. Dirk Wendt | General Manager

  Working in various func­tions at Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion since 1997. Since 2020, he has been man­aging all busi­ness pro­cesses world­wide as General Manager.

  Holger Bis­choff | Dir­ect­or Sales & Cus­tom­er Man­age­ment

  Respons­ible for nation­al and inter­na­tion­al sales as well as the man­age­ment of cus­tom­ers world­wide. With the company since 1997.

  Thomas Adam | Dir­ect­or Research & Devel­op­ment

  With Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion since 1999. Respons­ible for the entire devel­op­ment process of products and systems world­wide.

  Steffen Lang | Dir­ect­or Busi­ness Devel­op­ment

  Drives busi­ness devel­op­ment, espe­cially the expan­sion of foreign busi­ness.

  With Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion since 2014.

Dr. Dirk Wendt | General Manager
Dr. Dirk Wendt | General Manager

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